Authentic Movement
what is authentic movement?
What is Authentic Movement?
Originated by pioneer dance therapist Mary Starks Whitehouse, Authentic Movement (AM) is a subtle, but powerful practice that offers a bridge between our conscious and unconscious.
With eyes closed, the mover listens inwardly and finds a movement arising from inside, while the witness brings a receptive quality of clear attention to the mover.
Though personal shadow issues may emerge, the witness accepts the mover without analysis or direction, mindful of the inner world of sensation and meaning, judgment and criticism, and speaks only when the mover asks for a response.
Through the relationship between a mover and a witness, AM supports us to explore “being seen” and “seeing”, allowing mover & witness to achieve a level of perception of Self and other that evokes deep respect and empathy.
As we allow ourselves to be seen in vulnerability and held without judgment, AM allows us to develop and strengthen our inner witness, that part of ourselves that can hold us with unconditional love and to eventually become stronger than our inner critic (who has been protecting us).
As we strengthen our capacity to witness ourselves with unconditional love and compassionate acceptance, we also strengthen our capacity to witness others in the same way.
The practice of Authentic movement is a powerful process. It allows us to explore the relationship between the creative, psychological and sacred dimensions of our experience through bodily expression.
“The body is the physical aspect of the personality and movement is the personality made visible.” – Mary Starks Whitehouse